"...The Name i have choosen for the mission is Nasrul Ilm..."
Unfortunately the association in the South West then experienced leadership crisis at some point in time, slowing down its progress pace. Towards rekindling the fire of the Muassasah Mission especially in the South West, the Muassasat Nasrul ilm Wa Da’wat Foundation came to be being and was incorporated in April, 2019.
President's Welcome Speech
All praises and adoration belongs to Allah SWT the Lord of the universe, may His Choicest blessings be upon our noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w, his household, companions and the entire muslim ummah.
I welcome you all to the epoch making inauguration of Lagos State chapter of Muassasatul Nasrul ilm wa Dawat
Daily activities
Designed to help children realize their potential
Morning Huddles
Urna cursus pretium nisi, ullamcorper enim morbi volutpat feugiat mauris congue integer in velit nunc ac iaculis cursus facilisis tincidunt justo, fringilla scelerisque
The Basics
Neque in nulla aliquam viverra phasellus ipsum sed pretium imperdiet sit purus at lacus, varius interdum vestibulum fermentum faucibus nulla odio cum
Play Stations
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat a scelerisque quis
Learning Lab
Tortor sed nulla gravida ipsum aliquam consectetur neque odio dui turpis fringilla pretium hac bibendum commodo proin quam posuere consequat ultrices
Senectus fringilla vitae at lacus sollicitudin mi vel consectetur congue facilisi amet, maecenas egestas imperdiet maecenas lorem cras aliquet arcu, pharetra quis quam ipsum
Outdoor Play
Vel urna cursus nunc sem bibendum adipiscing nibh metus viverra ultricies pellentesque faucibus non ullamcorper aliquet sed imperdiet faucibus dictumst
Meet the Executives
Experts in giving your children best start
Chairman, Board of Trustees for Muassasat Nasrul ILM Wa Da’wat Foundation.
Teacher: 2-3 year olds
Teacher: 3-4 year olds
What parent say
More than just a joyful place
Egestas pulvinar phasellus id odio viverra pharetra congue est eleifend aenean cras