All praises and adoration belongs to Allah SWT the Lord of the universe, may His Choicest blessings be upon our noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w, his household, companions and the entire muslim ummah.

I welcome you all to the epoch making inauguration of Lagos State chapter of Muassasatul Nasrul ilm wa Dawat. We are indeed overwhelmed and deeply humbled by your presence at this occasion despite the lingering fuel scarcity which has impacted negatively on our livelihoods. We pray Allah swt to bring end to hardship in our country and the world at large.


By way of digression, please permit me to give a short resume of the Foundation since its inauguration. Muassasat Nasrul ilm was established in the 80s in Nigeria with permission from Imam Sheikh Hassan Alli Cisse rta who made it known to us all that it was his grandfather – Maolana Sheikh Ibrahim ibn Abdullah Niyas rta that FOUNDED the body with the sole objective of helping in propagation of knowledge, empowerment and general well-being of the Ummah. Our great Imam Hassan rta worked assiduously to spread the tentacles of this association in the United States, Uk, Canada and in Europe by registering the body as a non-profit organization with the name Africa America Islamic Institute. (

However the association faced some challenges which impede its growth and spread especially in the south west of Nigeria, in order to stem the tides of retrogression our Visionary leader, highly cerebral, indefatigable Sheikh Usman Adebayo Giwa rta muted the idea of transforming the almost moribund Muassasatu Nasrul Ilm into Muassasatul Nasrul Ilm Wa Dawat Foundation and was incorporated with Corporate Affairs Commision in April 2019.

It may also interest you to know that despite the hurdles we remained resolute and focused and we were able to record harvest of achievements in the span of times we came on board as the National Executives of the association. Today’s program is one of our focal point of establishing tripartite structure of National, State chapters and Local branches which will allow for involvement, inclusiveness with the view of reaching out all muslims with our programs.



As part of our vision, we place high premium on education at all levels, to this extent we normally organize extramural classes during long vacation for our children in secondary schools. The Islamic knowledge is also positioned on the front burner by establishing Quranic Memorization class and we have made some modification to the curriculum of our Modrasats under our association.

It is also gratifying to inform you that many of our members are on scholarships for secondary, undergraduate and post graduate studies in Turkey as we speak while some have completed their studies through our partnership with Erkam Foundation, Turkey.


The association has been working round the clock to ensure our members are pulled out of the poverty net by registering cooperative multipurpose  society named Pillarstone Cooperative Multi-purpose society which operates on Zero Interest ethical transactions. 

Pillarstone has indeed achieved its intended objectives geometrically within a short time. It has brought succor to members by offering them a financial platform with zero interest loan, business support loan, Ramadan foodstuff package installment payment, asset acquisition, target account and others with sole aim of poverty alleviation.


The general well-being of the ummah is very paramount to us and we have facilitated installation of boreholes to many mosques here in Lagos and outside Lagos through the philanthropic gesture of Erkam Foundation, Turkey.


To our new executives been sworn in, we believe that given the will, the commitment and the determination, to give selfless service, much can be achieved to make life more meaningful for the Ummah. For life indeed is a challenge and only those who accept the challenges and are prepared to make personal sacrifices can make success in it.  It is on this premise that this clarion call for you the new executives to join us in our humble effort to make a difference in our march to progress. We believe that there has to be a new beginning, a new orientation and a determined effort on the part of each and all to advocate for the welfare of the Ummah.

 Indeed there is also the need for us to brace up ourselves, re-assess the pitiable situation of the Ummah and adopt positive and attituditional change that can improve the quality of the life of  the average muslims in all spheres of human endeavour, and also to help enthrone justice, equity and fairness in whatever we do.

Need I say that, I see bright vistas opening up for our people in the quest for a place under the sun. I see a glorious dawn of a new era in human history. I see vision of Nigeria being catapulted to the Olympian heights of great achievements and developments. I see our great leader Sheikh Usman Adebayo Giwa rta leading us to the promised land of hope and contentment.

I see our association becoming the leading centre of great thinkers, philosophers, scientists, industrialist, humanists, scholars and administrators of standing nationally and internationally. Therefore, let us appreciate that this is the beginning of our finest moment, a moment of decision, when all hands must be on deck.


We need to bridge the infrastructural gap in Education, Economy and Spiritual lives of muslims, we hereby passionately appeal to you all to support us in building our Islamic Centre.


I like to appreciate our guest speaker, highly resourceful scholar, eloquent and a complete gentleman in the Deen, Alhaji Ibrahim Hammed who has done us this great honour of coming to speak to us on effective leadership. I know it has not been all that easy to spare the time, and but for the love of the Deen, you probably would not have been here. We wish you more successes in all your endeavours.

I thank all our special guests of honour for accepting to be part of today’s event even though the notice was short. We say a big Jazakumullahu khaeran.

Our planning Committee chairman at the appropriate time will thank all of you and acknowledge publicly all those who in diverse ways have been quite supportive of us. You are most welcome to this occasion.

Happy listening. Ma a Salam

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