SHEIKH USMAN GIWA (RTA) who is a native of Ogbomoso, Oyo State is the Chairman, Board of Trustees for Muassasat Nasrul ILM Wa Da’wat Foundation. He is an Islamic Scholar and Spiritual Guide per Excellence on the Spiritual Pathway of Tijaniyah.

He had a formal Islamic Knowledge at Shamsudeen Higher Institute of Islamic Studies, Ibadan, Oyo State and went through Spiritual Trainings under the tutelage of his Master and Spiritual Guide, Sheikh Sa’ad Alli Ibrahim Sarumi (RTA).

For more than 4 decades, He has dedicated himself to the service of humanity through religious and spiritual trainings of many among whom are now Great Islamic Scholars and Spiritual Guide, Accomplished Professionals and Businessmen, Captains of Blue-Chip Companies.

He also had his First Degree in Food Science & Technology from Nigeria’s Premier University, University of Ibadan.

He loves seeking for knowledge and most especially making use of the knowledge to better the lots of humanity.

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